
Monday, February 21, 2011

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Right? I mean, here I am... It's February, and I haven't written in my beloved blog since July. Partially my fault, but more so the weather's. Everything is so much easier when the weather is beautiful. This winter has brought a crippling halt to my creative spunk and ambitions. Germany is known for it's ever changing weather patterns. I don't really know why this has come to any surprise to me after growing up in Northwest Indiana. However, life, as is always does, catches up and I find myself making excuses to put creative thoughts on hold. Well, not any more! Recently, I resigned my lame job at the Ramstein Aquatic center, since my flub of a boss never cared to acknowledge my creative program ideas! So here I am again, turning over a new leaf, and hoping to stick with it this time.
thanks for sticking with me.

.adbs (asher dasher booty smasher). thanks for that nickname when I was a baby, t and you.

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